As a spiritual director, I help people discover deeper intimacy with Jesus.

As an editor and writing coach, I help writers bring pizzazz to the page.

As a spiritual director…

I come alongside women who desire inner transformation and deeper intimacy with God.

I accompany women as they explore holy habits and sacred rhythms that deepen conversations with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

I help women explore inner movements of their heart on their soul care journey.

I offer the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, meeting weekly for 9-12 months, as you linger with Jesus in imaginative prayer, the Examen, and reflective journaling.

As your editor & writing coach…

I help you delve into the spark of an idea as you craft words into books, blog posts, and articles that sparkle.

I encourage you as you develop a writing rhythm, find your unique voice, organize well-crafted content.

I offer accountability, lend emotional and pragmatic support, and keep playfulness as your companion as you wrestle with words, putting your heart on the page.

Lane’s Writings

The YES That Matters

The YES That Matters

Turnstiles create entry or exit points; a space to say YES as we enter a new place. They allow or prevent flow around an area. Whether in airports, mass transit stations, amusement parks, museums, or arenas, they direct and control the way...

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Shade: A Hot Commodity

Shade: A Hot Commodity

In the brunt of summer’s humidity, heat advisories, and drought-like conditions, temperatures soar. Shade’s cool location becomes a hot commodity.   I thought weather stations declared the official temperature from a location in the blare...

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