Deconstructing Lectio Divina
Nestled in the corner of a strip shopping center, my favorite Colorado Thai restaurant served scrumptious pineapple chicken curry. Eager to replicate the dish, I set out to decipher the ingredients and spices involved in the creation. I scribbled down notes as I savored each bite at the...
Behold: To Gaze Upon
One thing have I desired of the Lord; that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His temple. Psalm 27:4 - KJ21 One thing? In Psalm 27, David proclaims the one thing he desires which he will...
Writing Your Way Through Advent
I sat in Marilyn McEntyre’s Advent poetry class last Tuesday evening. My brown eyes burned, fighting to stay awake. Up way past my normal bedtime as I am an early bird to the nth degree, I wrestled with the tiredness I felt at that moment. Yet my heart bound joyfully over the pleasant pasture...
Advent: Behold Jesus
This December blog is brought to you by the word Behold with a hint of prose. Behold. In autumn Sun greets the day full of reds and oranges, golds and yellows. Leaves – once green, crisp up, curling in the drying air loosening their grip upon dogwood trees. ...
Noting The Gift of Thanks
I grew up in the deep South where “Please” and “Thank you” flowed as readily as the waves upon our Georgia shore. I also grew up in an era and a locale where “Thank You” notes created the ebb and flow of gift-giving as they wrapped up the response to any gift received. My mother never...
Entry Ways into the Writing World
Front doors exist as logical ways to enter a space. Yet, quite often, there’s more than one way to achieve entry: Side doors. Back doors. Through the porch. Through the garage. Through the fence to the little entryway most easily accessible. The majority of my life, I’ve arrived where I...
“Write” From the Start
“You are here.” I like seeing those words on a physical map. It grounds me. I orient to the present moment. This is vital for if I don’t know where I am, it’s hard to know where I’m going. Once we know where we are, it’s easier to decipher next steps. Yet it’s also vital to know how we...
The Freedom of Missing Out: Engaging the Practice of Unhurry
Autumn officially arrived on September 22 here in the Northern Hemisphere. Nighttime temperatures gradually descend, feeling cooler and cooler. The sun rises later and sets earlier. Geese fly south. Migratory birds fill the skies. Prolific gardens fade. Outdoor pools close as summer activities...
The YES That Matters
Turnstiles create entry or exit points; a space to say YES as we enter a new place. They allow or prevent flow around an area. Whether in airports, mass transit stations, amusement parks, museums, or arenas, they direct and control the way crowds move. August and September act as...
Shade: A Hot Commodity
In the brunt of summer’s humidity, heat advisories, and drought-like conditions, temperatures soar. Shade’s cool location becomes a hot commodity. I thought weather stations declared the official temperature from a location in the blare of direct sunlight. Yet it’s the opposite. Air...
Daily Dive into God’s Word
I love God’s Word. Daily dips and long soaks in His Word invites me into new experiences of Who He is, who I am, and how I am invited to live with Him here and now. Rereading Philippians lately has been refreshing to my mind and heart, for Paul helps me navigate the unexpected jolts of...
Summer Wonder for Your Soul
Summer invites us outside. Light peeks through the blinds earlier each morning and lingers longer each evening. Weather shifts from spring’s crisp dawns and bright green afternoons to June, July, and August’s slower summer simmer. Just as the earth sheds the weight of winter, we too shed the...