Questions to ponder and pray over during our Lenten fast:
- What is the hunger beneath the hunger about?
- What do I thirst for?
- How have I been filling my hunger/thirst apart from God?
- What is God up to in this time of fasting?
- Where do I hope God doesn’t ask me to deny myself?
- How do I resist fasting?
- What place does pride play in my choice to fast?
- How does Isaiah 58:6-7 encourage me to fast?
- Do I make a show of fasting? (Matthew 6:16-18)
- How can the time freed up from not eating or doing some other activity that I am fasting from instead be used to eat of God?
- What hold does food (or whatever I chose to give up for Lent) have on me?
- What other areas of my life are impacted by the holy habit of fasting?
- Where do the inclinations of my flesh control me more than the inclinations of my faith?
Featured image is courtesy of Tim Mossholder via Unsplash