Alert for Betweens

Alert for Betweens

  Between This line And the next My thoughts burst forth Like fireworks Shimmering against The dark.   Between This line And the next I may have strolled around the block Or down the lane. I may have stopped and chatted with a friend Over a cup of Earl Grey...


  Rivulets steam and stream Salty, hot, Under this thick non-woven Breathing face mask, Meant to keep out A million miniscule molecules Of ash, one remnant of That rant of fire That leapt the canyons and dry ridges, In one pyrocumulus moment Then consumed,...
Edit Two

Edit Two

The final round Of editing Feels like That sprint When your lungs burn And your legs wobble And you can see the finish line, But are gasping for hope and energy.   To undo What took so long to do Seems counterproductive.   In fact, Such editing Adds a patina...
The Hope of Dirt

The Hope of Dirt

  The shovel is my brother, a good companion as we play together in the dirt…   and I am bigger for hoping— as I dig, as I turn soil & a few worms upside down.   I imagine the tiny roots climbing low, low, low, while tiny shoots climb high, high,...

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