Editor & Writing Coach
As an editor and writing coach, I help writers grow their words from spark to sparkle.
Do you…
- Wish you could make progress in your writing life?
- Wonder how to discover your unique voice?
- Find yourself befuddled by grammar and punctuation?
Stop here for Writing and Editing help.

Wondering if you really need an editor?
- Wonderful content doesn’t stand a fair chance if confusing grammar and punctuation distract your reader. Your words deserve an editor’s polish.
- Editors consider content, context, consistency, and clarity. They look with fresh eyes at what’s grown familiar on your path of creation and revision.
- After chocolate, after coffee, after a gazillion rough drafts, it’s time for an editor’s crafts. Editors move your words from fuzz to buzz, from spark to sparkle.
- I review so you can see a new view.
Wondering if you need a Writing Coach or Book Coach?
- If you’ve got a great idea, let me come alongside to support your writing life. Writing can be lonely work. It’s so helpful to have someone to bounce ideas off of, someone to cheer you along, and someone to hold you accountable.
- The path from idea to publication stretches long. A companion along the way makes the path a bit less bumpy.

My Editor and Writing Coach Offerings
Writing Coach
An alongside-guide helping you create writing rhythms as you discover your unique voice.
Line Editor
A line-by-line analysis of your words: where it sparkles and where it needs a bit more spark.
Copy Editor
Another set of eyes focused on spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Developmental Editor
A big picture view of your book’s flow, clarity, and pacing
What Others are Saying about Lane
“Lane has a beautiful way of editing, coaching, lifting up, and making every piece I write better than it would have been without her.”
“I am astonished at the stories I create under Lane’s tutelage. She understands my voice and empowers me to write boldly, concisely, and creatively. As my writing coach and editor, Lane identifies missing pieces, asks thought-provoking questions, and leads me to discover how to fill in the gaps.”