Welcome to Ponder Wonder.
I’m Lane & this is my blog.
As a spiritual director, author, writer, life coach, wife, mama, and Gran, I’m one who delights in joy and whimsy.
I live on the coast of Georgia, where the air is thickly salted with beauty unending. A good portion of my life found me meandering the Rockies but I had to get back to the sound of waves and wind and the way the sun does a jig on the ocean.
I’m often dancing in joy with my Lover Jesus, healing & hoping & head-over-heels in delight with Holy Spirit, and ever so kindly wrapped up in the shawl of the goodness of my Father God. These Holy Three-in-One bring me to my knees in worship and to my feet in exhuberance.
I like to ponder. I like to wonder. I process best aloud or on paper where joy holds me as I persevere. You’ll find bits to think upon wherever you wander here.
As much as I enjoy writing, I also enjoy listening…so I hope you’ll join in the conversation.