The Way of Rest as a Way of Writing

The Way of Rest as a Way of Writing

As writers, we think we know what we need. We need an idea. Make that two. Or ten. Or twenty-two.   We need a pen and a journal, or a keyboard and a computer, or maybe all of the above. And maybe we need just one more notebook. Or two. Or ten. Or twenty-two....
What’s next?

What’s next?

    Inevitably, if you write a book or create a work of art, people ask what you’re up to next. Maybe that’s true for anything. When you get your degree, people ask when you will get another degree. When you get a job, they ask what kind of work...
Editing Process

Editing Process

    Like runners headed for the finish line, my coauthor and I enter the final sprint of editing our book: The Life of the Body: Physical Well Being and Spiritual Formation. Six months from now, the words being typed on my computer will show up on a shelf in...

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