Blended Listening

Blended Listening

Pondering how to draw near to God today, I notice three themes show up regularly in our latest conversations.  Breath prayer.  Lectio Divina.  Creativity. Lord, what are Your invitations for this day?  Be still, daughter. Listen.  I pause and I wonder.  As one who...

Found Poem: Words that Delight

Who among us does not have dreams that this year will be different? It is not over,  this birthing. There are always newer skies into which God can throw stars. You enter the  extraordinary by way of the ordinary. In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Even a...
Dream Big, Be Brave, and Hire an Editor

Dream Big, Be Brave, and Hire an Editor

The New York Times Best Seller List began on October 12, 1931. As writers, we dream of hitting the best seller list. Don’t we wish we could do it easily, miraculously with our very first draft? Writing demands much of us and often, so do our dreams. We dream of the...


Between This line  And the next I may have Fought a dragon Or was it a dragonfly?   Between  This line And the next I may have strolled around the block Or down the lane On another planet. Between  This line And the next I may have chatted with a friend Over a...
Cross Training for Creativity

Cross Training for Creativity

Any personal trainer will tell you that cross training is good for the body.  If you swim, walk. If you walk, lift weights. If you lift weights, run. If you run, swim. You get the drift. Muscles become familiar with the familiar, even a bit sedated, so switching it up...

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