Psalm 43:3
Send forth Your light and Your truth,
Let them bring me to Your holy mountain,
To the place where You dwell.
O send forth
Your Light
here among darkness that so easily engulfs me.
O send forth
Your Truth
here among too-easily believed lies.
O send forth
Your Light and Truth
here illuminated in Jesus the Luminescent Exactness of the Father.
O bring me
Your hand, Spirit, holding mine
for I need more of You to keep me holy.
O bring me
Your heart, Bridegroom, romancing mine
O bring me
Your arms, Father, engulfing mine
O settle me
Into Your holy hill
O settle me
into Your holy will
O settle me
into Your holy fill
O send me
into the darkest night
O send me
out to offer Endless Light
O bring me
safely home again
O bring me
to Your wondrous home that never ends.
O send forth!
O bring me!
O bring forth!
O send me!
O let me
ever see
Your joyfulness