by Lane | Devotional, Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual Practices
At our house, birds play a role in our day. Snuggled up close to the house, one cylindrical feeder attracts smallish birds, often finches, the tufted titmouse, and an occasional downy woodpecker. The nearby feeder, filled only in warmer weather, offers nourishment to...
by Lane | Devotional, Spiritual Disciplines
Spiritual Dialogue Spiritual direction creates space for spiritual dialogue. As you allow time to pay attention to God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, you discover there is more to the conversation about your heart than you knew was bubbling just below...
by Lane | Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual Practices, Writing
Dazed to Dazzling Out of Focus Familiarity breeds forgetfulness. When things feel too familiar, I cruise along on autopilot. Suddenly, I’m pulling up to the small Island branch of the library. How’d I get here? I don’t remember going...